Swindon and North Wiltshire


This page contains links to old pub guides and other documents relating to the history of this CAMRA branch.

Home Brewed - A history of Breweries and Public Houses in the Swindon area

Historic Swindon Pub Guide Home Brewed was written by David Backhouse, the late chairman of the Swindon & North Wiltshire CAMRA branch, in 1984. It was revised and reprinted in 1992, but stocks of this have now run out.

The 1992 version has now been reprinted and is available for £5.

Please if you would like a copy, or see the details on our Contacts page.

The Riflemans Arms, Highworth, 1900

Foreword to the 1992 edition
'I am very pleased to have the opportunity to revise my original publication. A great deal of new information has come my way which has enabled me both to correct errors in my original text and to throw light on some hitherto unresolved mysteries. I have also decided to restrict the scope of this publication in two respects. Firstly, I have removed reference to recently built or recently licensed pubs, hotels and wine bars. I feel there is no place for them in what is essentially a historical guide. Secondly, pubs that closed before 1830 are no longer included. Their proper place is in a fully researched historical guide. However, I have been studying the ancient inns and alehouses of Old Swindon and this information is now published for the first time as an Appendix'.
David W. Backhouse

Earlier home page

This is a link to the previous home page for the branch website: Old home page.